combination technique

height: 90 cm / width: 35 cm

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by binding the cracked pieces and areas with putty mix and golden or silver powder. Its main purpose is to respect the history of the reconstructed object, following that, the artist brings shattered objects to new life. And along with that, reincarnates their narrative. The exhibited artifact is a kind of memento mori of suddenly putting an end to a house party – glued precious shards not only alter the value and morphology of the original objects belonging to another generation, but they also give rise to the pillar of memories of the present generation.

The artist, Karolína Vorlíková, a student of the Glass Studio led by Rony Plesl at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, based her site-specific work for the NIKA Gallery on a semestral project that she has been continuously pursuing since 2019.


Cena: 45.000 Kč bez DPH
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Available. Sold as a set only.
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